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The #1 reason why you haven’t purchased a house

Posted by Milana Cizmar on

Being a Real Estate Broker, I talk to many people on a daily basis about their home ownership dreams.  One thing I always find interesting is how some people know they need to buy a larger home, know exactly what they want in their next home, know they need to fix up their current home yet some how they still haven’t done anything to move along the next step in their journey?


I know it can seem very overwhelming with all of the information on the Internet about real estate, information on about home prices and lots of information (and many times mis-leading information) from the media about where real estate is going. It could make one give up way before they get started. But, one thing I know for sure, if you are overwhelmed or don’t know where to start you will do nothing! 

Don’t let your thinking stop you from actually HAVING your dream home and all that you desire!  The best thing to do is to take action, this will inspire you to get the right information and make the right informed decision for you.

If you think you really can’t afford your dream home. Why not speak to an expert about what it will really cost? You might be pleasantly surprised!

Have you looked into getting an up to date market evaluation on your current home? Again, you might be pleasantly surprised to find out just how much your current house is worth in today’s current market.

Or, are you worried about getting your current house ready for sale? There are some fix ups and repairs that can easily be taken care of in a day with the right professionals on your side. A large renovation or something more time consuming may not be the answer to getting your house for sale and will end up saving you time, money and endless frustration.

Having an actual step by step plan of what to do, how to do it and even if it is doable is really the first step in your home ownership journey. So, don’t put your plans on hold any longer. Isn’t it time for you to have that dream kitchen you have always wanted, the extra guest bedroom for last minute sleep overs or even that big backyard that you can finally enjoy entertaining all your friends and family in?

Your Complimentary Strategy Session with me is only a phone call or email away. Don’t put your life on hold anymore. It’s time to stop dreaming and time to take action! Let me help you get there.


I can help you answer some of the important questions you have when it comes to Buying or Selling Your Home: Let’s get you started on your own Personal Wealth Journey!

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