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Did you hear the good news?

Posted by Milana Cizmar on

etobicokerealestateRise and Shine!

Believe it or not, there are more buyers looking for homes than homes to sell! Our real estate market has changed, and for the better! Due to demand, home prices are on the rise. Home prices are approaching DOUBLE-DIGIT appreciation and sales are dramatically increasing by the day. The market is rising and shining!

Is It Time?

Over the past three decades, the average homeowner has stayed in their house 4.9 years. Due to recent economic uncertainty, families today have stayed in their home for more than nine years, postponing the move they wanted or needed to make.

Well, the financial storms are behind us and the sky is starting to clear. So, is now a good time to move? The answer is “yes!”

See and Believe

I have information you might find surprising. Your home may be worth more than you think! Curious?

It would be a privilege to give you insight into today’s market. I’ll give you details on the rising market and an accurate assessment of your home’s value. Thirty minutes is all you’ll need.

If you’re ready to build True Wealth, strategically selling your home to the right buyer for maximum profit, book your Strategy Session with me today, call me at 416-762-8255 or email me to schedule your no-obligation meeting.

FYI, interest rates are still low, making it a very affordable time to buy as well!


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